From 1997, IPS(WA) diversified its activities in agro-industry, given its strong impact on the development of rural areas.

The consortium formed by the Institution IPS(WA) and the trading company Paul Reinhart created IVOIRE COTON in 1998, then FASO COTON in 2004. In 1998 IPS(WA) acquired La Société Nouvelle Sucrière de la Comoé, SN SOSUCO, in Burkina Faso.

We are a historic company in the cotton sector based in the North West of Côte d'Ivoire, operating in the processing of seed cotton and the marketing of its products.

Through this activity,…

We are a private company in the cotton sector based in the central area of Burkina Faso, operating in the processing of seed cotton and the marketing of these products. Through this activity, we…

Leader of economic actors in the agro-food industry in Burkina Faso, SN SOSUCO (New Sugar Company of Comoé) has a direct and major impact on the development of the city of Banfora and the entire…